Club Sandwich with organic SOLMON®

15 minutes


2 persons

  • 4 slices of organic flatbread or Swedish bread
  • 100 g of organic SOLMON®
  • 1/2 Organic cucumber (thin slices)
  • 1/2 Organic red onion (thin slices)
  • A few organic salad leaves (arugula or lamb’s lettuce)
  • 100 g of organic vegetable fresh cheese
  • 1 C. tablespoon of organic capers
  • 1 C. tablespoon of fresh organic dill
  • 1 organic lime
  • Salt and pepper


Kitchen knife - For slicing bread, vegetables, and SOLMON® BIO

Cutting board - To prepare and cut ingredients

Bowl - To mix the cream cheese with the capers and dill

Plate or tray - To assemble and present the sandwiches


  1. Preparation of the cream cheese: Mix the vegetable cream cheese with chopped capers, dill, a pinch of salt, and pepper.

  2. Assembling the sandwich: Spread a generous layer of the cream cheese mixture on each slice of flatbread. On two of the slices, arrange salad leaves, cucumber slices, and red onion slices. Place SOLMON® BIO slices on top of the vegetables.

  3. Finalizing the sandwich:

  • Cover with the other two slices of flatbread, with the cream cheese side facing inward.

  • Lightly press to hold the ingredients in place. Our tip: Add some additional fresh herbs or a squeeze of lime for even more flavor.

Tasty tip: Add some additional fresh herbs or a squeeze of lime for even more flavor!

Enjoy your meal !

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